Subsidiary suggestions

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Subsidiary suggestions

Post by LOLCL »

I love the subsidiary DLC. It's just like paradox games making puppets. However, there's a few things that could improve it.

For one, subsidiaries should start with their products on internal sale and grouped. They shouldn't automatically sell their goods to whoever, this especially is aggravating when it comes to farming because if you don't go to that farm exactly when the crops are ready to harvest, you can't get rid of an competitor AI customer unless you raise the price to max level. This was also true in past Capitalism games. Probably should fix it for this one. This would allow all of your subsidiaries to buy from this company, as they should be. As well, we should add an option for 'search for better products/resources from companies under Parent's umbrella' or something. One game it took me about 2 months to set up one company's production set on internal sale/grouped, because by default it allows anyone to buy. Would save a lot of time.

Subsidiaries should have a slot to regulate what buildings they can make. There is one for production, but not for retail. If you have a company that produces raw resources, why is a retail company setting up raw resource production? You can turn this off of course by just letting them select 'retail', but again, this runs into the problem of you having to set up their production yourself or make a total other company for production, which runs into the problem listed above. They end up with a money sink. But this doesn't mention the larger problem - if you want to have a Pizza Chain for instance as a subsidiary, there is no option to set this up. You can hire people with Pizza expertise, and they will be more likely to build these buildings, but they still expand outside that which they shouldn't. We should be able to make shoe companies, fast food chains, etc. with less player intervention.

Real estate subsidiaries shouldn't prioritize buying land away from citizens over building actual buildings - which should be their priority. Stock subsidiaries should be able to buy/sell stocks without your intervention and have more options other than 'invest and merge'. Software/internet subsidiaries should be able to transfer their buildings to their parent company and vice versa. Why can't we have the AI set us up a successful internet start-up then buy it when it's successful?

Anyone who works for your subsidiaries as well should be able to transfer jobs. From one company to another they may be a better fit for - or a CMO who has done their job enough in one company, to start over in another you build. There is no option to do this now other than firing, which makes it so you can't re-hire them because they hate you for firing them.

Open to more suggestions for playing. Had a game with 12 subsidiaries and hit a wall personally because I ran out of people to hire.
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Re: Subsidiary suggestions

Post by David »

The following improvements will be available in the upcoming version 9.0.00

Management Policies Improvement
You can now set “Internal Sale” of firms managed by your COO or CEO of your subsidiary to “Group” by default.
“Group” means that Group Supersedes Internal Sale.
If this is enabled, any firms in your company and subsidiaries will always be able to buy products from each other, regardless of the Internal Sale setting.

Transferring Executives
Allow transferring executives among subsidiaries and the parent company. The executive’s attitude towards you will not be affected when doing so.

More Persons in the Game
The total number of persons in the vanilla game will increase from 116 to 143.
COO_group_internal_sale.png (669.74 KiB) Viewed 587 times
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