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Suggestions: Selling Land/Buying Mansions/Moving

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 7:18 pm
by jstraley
I have been playing Capitalism Lab quite a bit recently, and I have a few suggestions that I feel like would improve play-ability. I have been looking for similar topics, but have been unable to locate some of the suggestions I am bringing up. I am sorry for any double posting.

First: The ability to sell large amounts of land.
- I have found that while I may purchase large amounts of land very quickly, selling them is often quite a hassle.
- The ability to sell land, in a similar capacity to what I am able to buy, would be very useful for almost any player.
- Making a shortcut or drag and click option to sell land may satisfy this suggestion.
Second: The ability to offer to buy you subsidiary's stores/factories/etc. and to be able to offer to buy the AI's mansions.
- Being able to offer large amounts of money for the AI's property would help further simulate real-world situations
- Offering to buy your subsidiary's standing buildings should be a possibility; especially if you own 100% of the company.
- I doubt many people would turn down a $20 million dollars for a house on land worth a total of $1 million dollars.
Third: The ability to move Civil Buildings/Greenery/roads.
- I have seen this topic brought up before, but I think it is a good idea.
- I don't think selling stadiums/etc. is the right course of action, but being able to move civil building and such would be useful.
- Moving such buildings would allow for better ability to maximize land use and ultimately profitability.
- Moving roads, not necessarily deleting them would help in this quest for maximum profitability as well.

Thank you for listening,

Re: Suggestions: Selling Land/Buying Mansions/Moving

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:10 pm
by Nazka231
I agree. With this addon I hope to be able to be the mayor or a estate mogul and change the landscape.

Also auction to buy and sell land and building. And if possible in fact for everything in general.