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Farm Productivity and Prices of farm product

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 9:28 pm
by Pietro
Hello !

I have some questions regarding the farm productivity and the relation with the price of the crop or livestock.

I haven't found found a practical way to parameter how much product will a farm create. I know there is farm size but what i want is to make 2 farm of the same size produce 10 Hemp or 100 Corn. How do i make Hemp "slower" or "harder" to make ?

I have looked at the data and saw strawberry and grape are different than corn and wheat in that their Price Quality Brand rating is different i thought i would play with those number but i got the opposite, a small farm produce 100 millions Hemp which is way too much.

The other thing i have attempted to modify is the price of the crop. My second idea as that maybe all farm produce the same amount of value. Maybe Hemp price was too low. But when i increased the Hemp price to 4, the small farm was still producing more hemp than another crop at price 4. is there a way to make 2 different crops with same price being produced at different rate on purpose ?

I have some similar question regarding livestock product. There is one more input field for livestock product than for crops product, which is the speed of the processing. As far as i tested it seems to me that the effect of this input field is to change the ratio between livestock raising unit/ livestock processing unit.

I haven't been able to see any effect of the price for chicken or pig or cattle, 5, 150, and 500. For example pig and chicken have very different value, yet frozen pig and frozen chicken have the same base price and production rate/speed. Seeing the differences between lamb and pig, which is only the price of the frozen lamb and the frozen pig, I am thinking a higher price for a processed livestoock is the deciding factor in the end for the productivity of the farm ?

I could do with that, i would make Hemp cost 1000$ so that the production is very slow, and i would name the unit "tons" instead of "gram" for example. That would require me to change the manufaturing cost of all the products to adapt. Or i would add another intermediary step to transform the 1000$ hemp ton into 990 or 850 or 1100 "plant" so that makes it easy to adjust the production of the farm. Does that sounds unecessary because i've missed something ?

Re: Farm Productivity and Prices of farm product

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 8:39 am
by Max
I've been having a similar issue. I'm looking to make an external tool meant to help players set up vertically integrated supply chains. However, the manufacturing speed differences are significant. A manufacturing slot in a small factory can make 80 thousand glass per month or 32 engines per month. Other then manufactuing speed multiplier, I have no idea where these prices are coming from. They seem partially from base price, but I haven't been able to work out a formula. Base price hets you in the same ballpark, but it's off by a factor of 2 in either direction.

I can share the data I got from these trials. It might be slightly enlightening on the factors which determine productoom speed. Ive been doing manufactuing, but mabey the same logic appies to farming?