[HEADER] Title=Sample script - Products Description=This is a sample script for Capitalism Lab, listing all variables under the [PRODUCTS] section. [PRODUCTS] Consumer Goods Seaports=2 // Consumer Goods Seaports per City=<0-4> Industrial Goods Seaports=2 // Industrial Goods Seaports per City=<0-4> // Please note that you may create a game up with no seaport using a game script. But the AI companies¡¯ performances will suffer and // this should only be used if you intend to create a game scenario with such characteristics. Constant Import Supply=No // Constant Import Supply= Import Quality=Moderate // Import Quality= Randomly Disable Product Classes=0 //Randomly Disable Product Classes=<0-90> //When this is set, the system will randomly disable a specific percentage of product classes in the new game. Random Product Reinvention=0 //Random Product Reinvention=<0-100> //When this is set, the system will randomly lock a specific percentage of product classes in the new game and require the player to “reinvent” them in R&D centers. Add Seaport Product=Steel //Add Seaport Product= //The above line assigns a specific product to a seaport. Note that the seaport to be assigned with the products is always the seaport located in the first city of the game. //----- The following settings are only available when the Subsidiary DLC or the Digital Age DLC is enabled. -----// Product Customization=On //Product Customization= //If this is set to On, you will find the Product Customization tool in the Manufacturer’s Guide. (“Technology Disruption” option is disabled when “Product Customization” is enabled.) Product Customization Range=Moderate //Product Customization Range= //Low – product customization applies to your company only //Medium – it applies to your company and your subsidiaries //High – it applies to all companies. //----- You may use the following syntax to disable specific product classes in the game: ------------// // Example: [DISABLED PRODUCTS] Apparel Beverage Drugs Leather Goods