Influence Score

The new Influence Score will appear in the score report when the City Economic Simulation DLC is enabled.

The Influence Score is comprised of three components:

Wealth & Business Score
This is the score derived from the Wealth & Business Score report.

Current Political Influence
In each city where you or a member of your political party serves as mayor, the political influence is determined by the city’s population, GDP per capita, and the mayor’s approval rating. If you are the party leader, 50% of each party member’s influence value will contribute to your own.

Past Political Influence
This is calculated similarly to Current Political Influence, but it represents the accumulated values of all past political influences, multiplied by 50%.

100 Most Influential People

If your Influence Score is high enough, you could earn the honor of being listed on the 100 Most Influential People chart. For some players, achieving this recognition may be considered the ultimate goal of the game.