Script – Goal Rewards and Penalties

You may optionally define rewards for the main goal and subgoals. A subgoal may be set to impose penalties when the player fails to achieve it within the time limit.
Score change=<-10000 to 10000>
Add a score bonus (a positive value) or apply a penalty (a negative value) to the final score.

Corporate cash change=<-1000000 to 1000000> (unit: million dollars)
The player’s corporate cash will be changed by this much.
Personal cash change=<-1000000 to 1000000> (unit: million dollars)
The player’s personal cash will be changed by this much.

Knowledge Points=<0 to 1000> 
Add Knowledge Points to the player. 

By using the following syntax, you may change the expertise values of the player character or senior management of the player’s company.Player expertise change=<expertise type>/<product class>, <change value> 
COO expertise change=<expertise type>/<product class>, <change value> 
CTO expertise change=<expertise type>/<product class>, <change value> 
CMO expertise change=<expertise type>/<product class>, <change value> 

You may change either the person’s skill based expertise <expertise type> or the person’s product based expertise <product class>For skill based expertise, <expertise type> can be: 
-research and development
-raw material production
For product based expertise, <product class> can be one of the product classes in the game, such as Apparel, Automobile, Beverage and etc. 
(You may view all product classes in the game by accessing the Product Summary Report and look at the product class list at the top left of the report.)<change value> can be a positive or a negative number, ranging from -100 to 100. 


Tech change=<product type>, <change value -1000 to 1000>
This will change your corporation’s technology level of the specified product type. Instant invention=<product type>
If this is defined, the product type will be invented instantly by your corporation.

Executive Staff

CEO Salary Modifier=<1 to 200>
COO Salary Modifier=<1 to 200>
CTO Salary Modifier=<1 to 200>
CMO Salary Modifier=<1 to 200>

See the [Special Rules] section about the usage of these functions.

Please note that it will reset any previous modifiers applied to the same job position. For example, if COO Salary Modifier was previous set to 70 and the reward sets the COO Salary Modifier to 50. The new COO salary will be Standard Salary x 50%, instead of Standard Salary x 70% x 50%.

Staff attitude change=<COO/CTO/CMO>, <change value -100 to 100> 

Change the executive staff member’s attitude towards you. 

Staff resign=<COO/CTO/CMO>

The executive staff member will resign immediately. 


If you have defined a [LOCKS] section in your script for making certain features inaccessible to the player , you may unlock them here in the Goal Reward section.
(Click here to read details about the [LOCKS] script)Here is a list of script lines you may use for this purpose:Unlock Product=All
Unlock all product classes that have been previously locked in the [LOCKS] section of the script. Unlock Product=<Product Class> (e.g. Unlock Product=Beverage)
Unlock a specified product class
Unlock Firm=All
Unlock all firm types that have been previously locked in the [LOCKS] section of the script. Unlock Firm=<Firm Type> (e.g. Unlock Firm=Oil Well)
Unlock a specified firm type Unlock City=<City Name> (e.g. Unlock City=London)
Unlock a city that is previously locked in the script