CEO’s Office
If you are playing a game with inflation enabled, you can use the options in the CEO’s office to automatically adjust product prices and advertising budgets to keep up with the inflation. This feature allows for a more seamless gameplay experience without the need for manual adjustments.
Chief Technical Officer’s Office
Both the CTO’s office and the CEO’s office offer you the options to acquire technologies from other companies.
Chief Marketing Officer’s Office
The CMO’s office allows you to set a new advertising budget for all of your advertising units or for specific ones that you select, providing a more efficient way to manage your advertising expenses rather than setting them individually.
Real Estate Department
It provides two functions:
[ ] Auto Manage Apartments
[ ] Auto Manage Commercial Buildings
When enabled, the computer will automatically manage all of the corporation’s existing apartments and/or commercial buildings. It will set their rents based on the settings in the HQ, freeing you from the tedious task of managing the rents of individual buildings.
Human Resources Department
The Human Resources Department allows you to adjust the training levels for all of your firms or for specific ones that you select, rather than setting them individually. This feature streamlines the process of managing training levels for your firms.
You can also organize an intensive training program to improve the productivity levels of all your employees.
When the Digital Age DLC is enabled, the HR department offers the option to regularly adjust the salaries of team leads based on the rate of inflation.
The “View Talents” button in allows you to see the available talents in each city before deciding where to build a new R&D center or software company. This feature helps you make an informed decision about the location of your new businesses based on the available talent pool.
Public Relations Department
If your corporation adopts a “Corporate Brand” strategy, it will be positively impacted by your public relations efforts. Thus, it would be beneficial to set a budget for public relations to support these initiatives.
Investor Relations Department
Allocating funds towards investor relations can positively influence your company’s stock performance.
Community Engagement Department
In this department, you can set a budget for ongoing civic donations, calculated as a percentage of your operating profit. This new feature allows you to give back to the community while managing your business operations.
The following information is displayed at this department:
Lifetime Civic Donations
The company’s cumulative donations towards civic building construction and operational expenses.
Lifetime Civic Donations as a Percentage of Lifetime Operating Profit
The company’s cumulative donations towards civic building construction and operational expenses, expressed as a percentage of its total pre-tax operating profit throughout its history.
Ongoing Civic Donations as a Percentage of Operating Profit
The company’s continuous donations for supporting the operational expenses of civic buildings, for which it has funded construction, represented as a percentage of its pre-tax operating profit.
HQ Department Display Mode
The department are now represented by icons in the headquarters. You can change it to text display mode by clicking the view mode icon located at the bottom-right corner of the 3×3 layout area.