Script – DLCs
Subsidiary DLC
City Economic Simulation DLC
Digital Age DLC
Banking and Finance DLC
Experimental DLC
Subsidiary DLC
New game settings for the Subsidiary DLC are integrated into the [Environment] and [Competitors] sections of a script file.
For details, please see:
Script - Environment Script - CompetitorsCity Economic Simulation DLC
View the descriptions of these game settings[CITY ECONOMIC SIMULATION DLC] or [CES DLC]
If the survival mode is enabled:
Developed City=<Yes,No>
Whether there is a developed city at the beginning or not. The game is more challenging if you have to start from scratch without a developed city.
First City Cash Level=<Low, Moderate, High>
The first city’s cash level at the beginning of the game.
If the survival mode is disabled:
City Initial Cash Level=<Low, Moderate, High>
This is for setting the cash levels of cities at the beginning of the game.
Public Expenses Index=<10 to 200>
This index determines the recurring expenses of public facilities, which affects the game’s difficulty playing as a mayor. When it is set to a high value, the same public facility will have higher operating expenses.
Land Price Index=<10 to 200>
This index determines the prices that the government sells its land and natural resource sites to corporations.
City Setup Cost=<1 to 10000> (unit: $1 million)
The default cost of setting up a new city is $100 million (it increases with inflation). You may override it by defining a new cost amount using the above statement.
Random Global Competitiveness Ratings=<Yes,No>
If this is enabled, global competitiveness ratings across industries will be randomized in the beginning of the game. If this is disabled, global competitiveness ratings will be initialized with a constant value of 30.
Global Competitiveness Rating Increases=<Off, 1, 2, 3, 4>
This option determines whether global competitiveness ratings will increase over time, progressively making the game more challenging. A higher value means that it increases at a faster rate.
Apartment Capacity Modifier=<10-200>
It modifies the capacity of all apartments. 100 is the standard value. Lowering it will decrease the number of people each apartment houses. This means that more apartments need to be built and the real estate business will be more profitable.
Commercial Building Capacity Modifier=<10-200>
It modifies the capacity of all commercial buildings. 100 is the standard value. Lowering it will decrease the amount of office space each commercial building provides. This means that more commercial buildings need to be built and the real estate business will be more profitable.
Donations to Rival Political Parties=<0-100>
If you set this to a value greater than zero, rival political parties will receive donations from the general public over time. This setting is mainly for increasing the difficulty level of the game.
Civic Building Donation=No
Your company can donate civic buildings even when the City Economic Simulation DLC is enabled. You can use the following script line to override it if you prefer a game that does not allow private companies donating civic buildings.
Digital Age DLC
View the descriptions of these game settings[DIGITAL AGE DLC]
Software Revenue Index=<10-400>
If this index is higher than 100, the demand and revenue from software products in this game will be higher than normal. Conversely, if this index is lower than 100, software businesses will be less profitable.
Internet Revenue Index=<10-400>
If this index is higher than 100, revenue generated by Internet companies will be higher than normal. Conversely, if this index is lower than 100, Internet companies will be less profitable.
E-Commerce=<Yes, No>
If this is enabled, companies will be able to build e-commerce firms and sell products via e-commerce.
Max E-Commerce Share=<Low, Moderate, High, or Very High>
Maximum Share of E-commerce in Total Retail Sales
The share of e-commerce sales is capped at a certain percentage of the total retail sales to reflect the reality that online sales typically constitute only a portion of the overall retail market.
AI Acquires Private Companies=<Never, Seldom, Occasionally>
This determines whether AI corporations may acquire independent private companies or not.
AI Tech Companies Go IPO=<Yes, No>
AI Tech Companies Go IPO=<1-50>
If this is enabled, private AI tech companies from the Digital Age DLC may go public on the stock exchange.
If it is set to a number, AI companies will go public within the specified number of years.
Max AI software and Internet companies=<None, Low, Moderate, High>
This option limits the maximum number of AI software and Internet companies in a game. A lower value means an easier game.
You may set the limits for software and Internet companies separately using the following lines:
Max AI software companies = <number>
Max AI OS companies = <number>
Max AI Internet companies = <number>
Talent System = <Full, Simplified, Greatly Simplified>
If this is set to Simplified, all talents start with a skill level of 50. If this is set to Greatly Simplified, loyalty and headhunting features of the talent system are disabled too.
More Talents = <0-500>
If you are using a MOD with a large number of product classes and there is a undersupply of talents in the game, then you may use this option to have the game duplicate talent data to increase the supply. For example, if you set it to 50, then the game will generate 50% more talents in a new game.
Disruption to Traditional Media=<None, Low, Moderate, High>
When this is enabled, the traditional media (TV, Radio and Newspaper) will be disrupted by the Internet. As people embrace the Internet, they will spend more time online and less time on the traditional media.
Telecom Customer Stickiness = <1 to 1000>
(default value: 100)
If you think your telecom gains customers from rival telecoms too slowly, you may use this variable to change the speed at which it gains or loses customers in relation to rival telecoms.
A value lower than 100 means that customer stickiness in telecom will be lower than the default setting and the gain or loss of customers will happen faster. A value higher than 100 has the opposite effect.
The formula is:
<the original rate of gaining/losing customers> X 100 / <this Telecom Customer Stickiness variable>
For example, if Telecom Customer Stickiness is set to 20, then
The new rate of gaining/losing customers will be 100 / 20 = 5 times of the original rate.
Disable AI Digital Companies=Yes
This line instructs the game system not to automatically create AI companies focused on digital age industries in the beginning of a new game.
This script file was created in response to the request from the CapLab community. Note that this script line will lead to gameplay imbalance as there will no AI companies and developing OS software. If you choose not to develop OS software, it will result in the non-existence of the entire software industry. AI will also not set up telecoms, preventing the Internet sector from emerging if you do not create one. Therefore, this script line should be used with care and only when you’re interested in exploring a particular gameplay scenario.
Banking and Finance DLC
View the descriptions of these game settings[Banking and Finance DLC]
The following are the settings on the Competitors page of the New Game Settings menu:
Aggressiveness of AI banks and insurance companies=<Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High>
Number of AI Companies Focused on Banking=<None, Low, Moderate, High, Very High>
Number of AI Companies Focused on Insurance=<None, Low, Moderate, High, Very High>
Tendency of AI to Set Up Banks=<None, Low, Moderate, High, Very High>
Tendency of AI to Set Up Insurance Companies=<None, Low, Moderate, High, Very High>
The following are the settings on the Bank page of the New Game Settings menu:
Feature Bank=<Yes, No>
Realistic Loan Demand=<Yes, No>
Savings Rate Modifier=<10-2000>
Base Loan Interest Rate=<Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High>
Initial Net Interest Spread=<0.5 to 10>
Maximum Loans-to-Assets Ratio=<70 to 100>
Corporate Deposit Cap=<1 to 100>
Required Bank Capital Ratio=<1 to 50>
Economy Impact on Loan Defaults=<Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High>
The following are the settings on the Bond page of the New Game Settings menu:
Feature Bond=<Yes, No>
Percentage of Player Capital Funded by Bond=<0 to 80>
Bond Credit Standard=<Loose, Normal, Tight>
Bond Issue Limit=<1 to 40>
The following are the settings on the Insurance page of the New Game Settings menu:
Feature Insurance=<Yes, No>
Insurance Premiums Modifier=<10 to 2000>
Insurance Claims=<Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High>
The following are the settings on the Global Stock page of the New Game Settings menu:
Feature Global Stock=<Yes, No>
Initial Stock Price Modifier=<50 to 200>
Global Stock Performance=<Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High>
Global Stock Performance Modifier=<-10 to 10>
You can change the performance of global stocks to a greater extent by using this script line. The setting on the new game settings menu only changes the global stock performance in the range from -2 to 2. You can use this script line to alter it much more significantly.
The following are the settings on the Others page of the New Game Settings menu:
Venture Capitalists=<0 to 30>
VC Capital=<1 to 100>
VC Diversification=<0.5 to 50>
Realistic Money Supply=<Yes, No>
Warehouse Floors=<One, Multiple>
Acquire Companies Facing Bankruptcy=<Yes, No>
By using a script, you could set some of these game settings to extraordinarily high values that are outside their normal recommended range on the New Game Settings menu. Please set them with caution.
For example, you could set the Savings Rate Modifier to a maximum value of 2000, which is way higher than the recommended range. It is meant to provide you with a way to experiment with the game with as little restrictions as possible. However, please note that the outcome could be wildly unpredictable when an extreme value is used.
Experimental DLC
View the descriptions of these game settings[Experimental DLC]
Built-in Advertising Unit=<Yes, No>
Service Firms=<Yes, No>
Farm Extension=<Yes, No>
Size of New City=<Adjustable, Fixed>
The following are the settings for the Import Company:
Import Company=<Yes, No>
Import Quality=<Low, Moderate, High>
Import Product Variety=<1 to 100>
Import Variety Increase=<Yes, No>
Import Semi Products Only=<Yes, No>
Constant Supply=<Yes, No>
Disable Knowledge Points for Import Company=<Yes,No>
Disable the knowledge points system for import companies.
The following are the settings for the Export Company:
Export Company=<Yes,No>
Disable the Export Company feature.
Export Deal Duration=<1 to 10>
Set the duration of all export deals to a specific number of years.
Export Volume Modifier=<10 to 300>
Use this to modify the volume of all export transactions. 100 is the standard value.
Disable Knowledge Points for Export Company=<Yes, No>
Disable the knowledge points system for export companies.