Script – Goal header

A goal definition should start with either [MAIN GOAL] or [SUBGOAL] section header. 


Goal Title=<1 to 35 characters>

All the following definitions are optional and you may define them as you see fit. 

Goal Description=<1 to 500 characters>

Goal Achieved Text=<1 to 500 characters>
If this is defined, when the player has achieved this goal, this text will be displayed on the goal screen.

Goal Failed Text=<1 to 500 characters>
If this is defined, when the player has failed this goal, this text will be displayed on the goal screen.

Goal Available Date=<yyyy-mm-dd>  (e.g. 1995-03-08)
yyyy – year (e.g. 1995)
mm – month (e.g. 03)
dd – day (e.g. 08)
Parent Goal=<Goal title of the parent goal>
If this is defined, this goal will only become available when the player has successfully completed another goal you specified (parent goal).

Number of Game Years=<1-1000>
Deadline=<yyyy-mm-dd>  (e.g. 2010-03-08)
yyyy – year (e.g. 2010)
mm – month (e.g. 03)
dd – day (e.g. 08)

You may set a direct deadline for the goals or specify the number of game years that the player is given to achieve the goal.
Note: please only set either one of these two parameters. If both are set, the game will use <Deadline>.

Goal Image=<image file name.PNG>
If this is a defined, the goal image will be displayed on the goal report. The image must be in PNG format, stored in “script\images” subfolder under the Capitalism Lab folder, and the image size must not be larger than 390×100.