Internet Companies
In the Digital Age DLC, you can set up and run Internet companies offering online services and digital products, such as search engines, social media networks, video-sharing platforms, and more.
The types of Internet companies you can establish are listed in the Internet Guide, accessible through the Information Center.
To build an Internet company, select Digital Age from the Build menu and then select Internet Company.
Now, click the newly built Internet company and select a web business type.
The screenshot below shows an Internet company operating a Search Engine.
Key Attributes of Your Internet Company
The Internet company interface displays the following information:
Your Web Site Name
Your web site name is set to Mywebsite<number>.com by default.
You may rename it by clicking the Rename icon at the bottom of the Internet company interface.
Overall Quality
The Overall Quality of your web site indicates its overall competitiveness. A higher value increases its monthly unique visitors and market share faster.
The Overall Rating is determined by the Features Quality and the Technology level of your web site.
Features Quality
To improve the Features Quality of your web site, you can increase the monthly budget for new features development by using the slider.
(If the web site’s business model is to offer premium content for a subscription fee, Features Quality is replaced by Content Quality, and monthly budget for new features development is replaced by monthly budget for new content development.)
Your web site’s overall Technology level depends on a specific list of technologies. You can view the list of Technologies for a Search Engine in the Internet Guide.
To enhance a technology, you can build a R&D center and set up Tech R&D units for development.
Revenue Information
Different types of Internet companies have different revenue models. You can view the company’s revenue information on the Revenue page.
For more information about different revenue models, please click the following link.
Types of Internet CompaniesMarketing
An effective way to increase your website’s visitor traffic is by advertising it through another media firm.
To achieve this, click the Marketing button to navigate to the marketing page.
Click the Link Media button to choose a media platform for advertising. You can advertise through traditional media, such as a TV network, or via another Internet company with an advertising-based business model.
If you own other media firms besides your current Internet company, it is always preferable to advertise through them. This approach reduces advertising costs, as the expenses incurred will become advertising revenue for your other media firms.
With the interface above, you can allocate the advertising budget for each selected media.