New Minimap Modes

In this DLC, you will find two new buttons at the lower-right corner of the minimap.

Population and Pollution Mode
Click on the button as indicated on the following screenshot to switch the minimap to the population and pollution mode.

In this mode, population density is shown in dark brown colors.

Pollution is shown in orange and red colors:

  • Red indicates pollution in populated areas
  • Orange indicates pollution in unpopulated or very sparsely populated areas.

Mini Map - Pollution in orange and red, Population in dark brown

Population and Public Services Mode
Click on the button as indicated on the below screenshot to switch the minimap to the population ad public services mode.

In this mode, population density is shown in dark brown colors.

Select a civic building or sports facilities to see how conveniently citizens have access to the public services.

For example, in the below screenshot, a hospital is selected and the minimap shows the region of the city where people can conveniently use the services of the selected hospital.

Display how convenient citizens haveaccess to the public services

To view another civic building’s geographic coverage, simply click on another civic building on the map, or use the civic building selector as indicated on the below screenshot. It will pop up a list of civic buildings and let you select one.

Civic Building Selector below the Mini Map

A list of buildings displayed using Civic Building Selector

Central Business District (CBD)

One of the factors that determine the overall rating of a commercial building is the distance to the central business district (CBD).

To find out the location of the CBD, you may switch the mini-map to the Land Value mode.

Use Land Value Mode to locate CBD

The red dot indicates the CBD, such as the one shown in the following screenshot.

A couple things to note:

  • When you are building a city from the group up and there aren’t any commercial buildings in the city yet, the CBD is not yet available at this point and thus you won’t see a red dot on the mini-map.
  • The location of the CBD is not permanent. A new district may emerge as the new CBD if it has a larger number of commercial buildings and the district is prosperous as reflected by its land value.

CBD with commercial buildings will be displayed as a red dot on mini map