Script – Goal Reward Settings

Script lines for customizing rewards for achieving goals, including rewards of knowledge points and cash.


Knowledge Points System=<Yes,No>
When this is enabled, you will receive Knowledge Points upon achieving certain goals.

Can Increase Expertise of Management Staff=<Yes,No>
When this option is enabled, you can utilize Knowledge Points to boost the expertise of your management staff, in addition to using them to increase yours.

Initial Knowledge Points=<0 to 100>
This determines how many Knowledge Points you have at the start of each new game.

Knowledge Points Rewards Modifier=<0 to 500>
You can use this modifier to change the amount of Knowledge Points you receive from goal rewards. When it is larger than 100%, you will receive more Knowledge Points than normal, and vice versa.

AI Knowledge Point Interval=<0 to 60>
Every AI company will receive a new knowledge point at regular intervals, as specified here in a certain number of months. Setting this to zero will disable it.

Monetary Reward Modifier=<0 to 200>
For those goals that give money as a reward, this slider modifies the amount of money rewarded. When it is larger than 100%, you will receive more money than normal, and vice versa.