Realistic Money Supply

When both the City Economic Simulation DLC and the Banking and Finance DLC are enabled, you will see the new option “Realistic Money Supply” on the New Game Settings menu, as shown below.

In a game with Realistic Money Supply enabled, it is more difficult for the player and AI companies to raise funds from IPO, issuing new shares and bonds as there is a limited supply of Public Investors’ Money.

Public Investors’ Money will increase over time as people accumulate savings and intend to use some portions of their savings to invest. The rate at which Public Investors’ Money increases is correlated to the National GDP figure on the Nation report in the Information Center.

You can see the current amount of Public Investors’ Money at the center top of the screen. Whenever a company raises funds from public investors by way of issuing new shares or bonds, the amount will decrease. When it is reduced to zero, it will no longer be possible for any companies to raise new funds. You must then wait for it to get replenished.

The follow screens show that the amounts of new shares and bonds that your company can issue is limited by the availability of Public Investors’ Money.

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