
This new game mode allows you to play a game targeting at dominating the market of a specific product category.

To start a new game in this mode, to select [New Game] from the main menu and select [Accomplishments].

On this screen, you may select from 3 types of missions:

  • [Product Class Mission] – achieve market dominance in a specific product class. (e.g. the Beverage product class)
  • [Mega Product Class Mission] – achieve market dominance in a specific mega product class. (e.g. Food and Beverage mega product class)
  • [Total Market Dominance Mission] – achieve total market dominance in all product classes.

The buttons for selecting the mission type are located at the upper part of the screen, as shown below.

Next you can select a specific product class or a specific mega product class to focus on for your new game.

The highest difficulty rating ever won for each product class (or each mega product class) is shown on this screen. Your goal is to set a new record for it.

For example, if you have selected Product Class Mission focusing on the Beverage product class, and you manage to dominate the market of Beverage products, the accomplishments scoreboard will be updated based on the difficulty rating of your game. (We will explain more about this shortly.)

To proceed, simply click the [Select] button and you will see the New Game Setting menu, as shown below.

On the New Game Setting menu, you may set the difficulty rating of your new game, in the same fashion as customizing a new game normally.

The difficulty rating you set here will affect whether you will be able to set a new record on the Accomplishments scoreboard – the difficulty rating of your new game must be higher than the current one on the scoreboard. 

For example, if you intend to set a new record for the Beverage product class and the highest difficulty rating of a game with the same goal ever won before is 60%, then you must start a new game with a difficulty rating higher than 60% in order to break the record.

When you have finished customizing the new game settings, you can click the [Start] button to start the new game and you will be greeted with a briefing window as shown above.

You may check out the goals assigned to you in this Accomplishment game on the Goal report.

Your main goal is to achieve the market dominance of the selected product class, and meet specific revenue and profit targets.

In addition, you will be given a set of subgoals for launching each individual product type within the product class. These subgoals are good ones to have for the cash and score bonuses they offer.

Appendix: Data File Location 
About the location of the data file storing all your Accomplishment score:

In your “My Documents” folder, you can find “My Games” folder and “Capitalism Lab” (or Capitalism Lab Post-Release Beta” folder if you are using the post-release beta version) folder. Under which, you can find the “MISSION.DAT” file if you have ever set any accomplishment score.

If you want to reset all your Accomplishment scores, you can simply delete the “MISSION.DAT” file.

If you want to migrate your Accomplishment scores data from the post-release beta version to the release version, you can copy the “MISSION.DAT” file from \Documents\My Games\Capitalism Lab Post-Release Beta to \Documents\My Games\Capitalism Lab Post-Release Beta.